ASI 10-0390-BR Soap Tank Mounting Bracket
14 gauge type 304 stainless steel alloy 18-8. Corners are rounded and deburred. Surface mount with two No. 10 self-tapping screws (not included). 9-1/2″ Tall x 5-5/8″ Deep x 8-7/8″ Wide. Mounting bracket shall hold one (1) EZFill? Multi-Feed 169 oz (5 L) Tank for EZFill? Vanity Mounted Automatic Soap Dispensing System. Mounting bracket shall be fabricated of 14 gauge type 304 stainless steel alloy 18-8. Corners shall be rounded and all edges deburred. All exposed surfaces shall have a #4 satin finish. Installer positions Multi-Feed Tank in bracket manually to retain in most convenient orientation to connect to top fill hose from countertop fill port fitting. Upturned wings on bracket securely hold tank from shifting. Weight of tank with pressure of installed fill hose prevents tank from lifting out of bracket during life of installation. Full weight of liquid soap contents up to maximum fill level is supported for distribution through installed supply tubing (provided with Model 0390-(n) soap dispensers).