ASI 0559 Surface Mounted Double Bedpan Rack & Urinal Holder
The ASI 0559 Double Bed Pan Rack is an attractive way to store bed pans in patients rooms within your long-term care facility or hospital, while keeping them within easy reach for both patients and your care team. The unit consists of a type-304, 18-8 alloy, 18-gauge stainless steel back plate and two type-304, 18-8 alloy, 16-gauge holding straps. The straps are of ideal width to accommodate two standard size bed pans. Once places within the rack, 1-1/2 inches of space separates the bed pans from one another. Designed for surface mounting, the unit measures 12 inches in width by 27 inches in height. Once installed, the bed pan and urinal rack extends from the mounting surface by 4-7/8 inches. Featuring a No. 4 satin finish, the unit has an attractive gleam but shows less fingerprinting than highly polished pieces. When installed properly, the rack complies fully with ADA and other barrier-free accessibility guidelines.